Dr. Stephen Dantzig, author of Retrospective: 5 Decades of Photography, on a recent trip to Singapore with his wife. Stephen has Cerebral Palsy and was a Board Member of UCPA Hawai’i for ten years. His Retrospective is a free website-based eBook that chronicles his life learning, teaching, and establishing himself as expert author on photography. The book offers many tips culled from his experiences before, during, and after his ten years as owner of Hawai’i School of Photography. Stephen credits his parents for their never-ending support but also United Cerebral Palsy for the early intervention and therapies he needed as a youngster. He invites you to enjoy his life’s work and hopes you gain a few insights to improve your photography. He humbly asks that you make any donation to UCPA of Hawai’i to assist others in following their dreams. Mahalo!
Visit: https://dantzigphotography.com/retrospective-5-decades-of-photography/